N9 Series(旧)
N9 Series(旧)
SuperiorOS(凤凰) Unofficial(S)
2021-08-22 13:48:10
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2021-12-26 15:49:38
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@挚爱宅 搬运整理 转自tg #### 1月16日: ##### SuperiorOS Twelve - UnOfficial ##### Maintainer: @lynnnnZx ##### Android version: 12 ##### Device: Poco M3 / Redmi 9T (Juice) ##### Build Date: 16-1-2022 ##### 原Download地址: ##### Vanilla: ##### https://sourceforge.net/projects/lynxproject/files/rom/juice/SuperiorOS/SuperiorOS-Twelve-juice-UNOFFICIAL-20220115-2149.zip/download ##### Gapps: ##### https://sourceforge.net/projects/lynxproject/files/rom/juice/SuperiorOS/SuperiorOS-Twelve-juice-GAPPS-UNOFFICIAL-20220115-2255.zip/download ##### Changelog: ##### • Merge January Security Patch: Tag "refs/heads/android-12.0.0_r27" ##### • Disable Latch Buffers Unsignal ##### • And Other improvements ##### • Full Changelog: ##### https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SuperiorOS-Devices/changelogs/twelve/changelogs.txt ##### Notes: ##### • For Vanilla Build, Recomended Use FlameGapps Basic or NikGapps Basic ##### • Safetynet Passes Without Magisk ##### • Only for Decrypted User. idk About Encrypted, you can try by yourself #### 1月6日(第一个AndroidS版本): ##### ℹ️ SuperiorOS (Twelve) - UNOFFICIAL ##### 👤 Maintainer: @lynnnnZx ##### 🌟 Android version: 12 ##### 📱 Device: Poco M3 - Redmi 9T (Juice) ##### 📆 Build Date: 2022-1-6 ##### 原Download地址(魔法): ##### Gdrive: ##### https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1yelErLiY4H7Ajdkti-Z-CbxQfWTJfyCB&export=download ##### Mirror备用下载地址: ##### https://roms.cirrus-ci.workers.dev/0:/juice/SuperiorOS-Twelve-juice-GAPPS-UNOFFICIAL-20220106-0910.zip ##### Screenshoot(魔法): ##### https://t.me/lynx_archive/355?single ##### Source Changelog: ##### https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SuperiorOS-Devices/changelogs/twelve/changelogs.txt ##### Device Changelog: ##### • Synced With Latest Source ##### • Switch Skia Rendering Backend To Vulkan ##### • Debloated Some Google Apps ##### • Optimize Native Executables For Cortex-A73 CPU ##### • Shipped With Greenforce Kernel ##### • Miscellaneous Fixes & improvements ##### • Compiled With Proton Clang ##### Notes: ##### • Clean Flash is Mandatory ##### • Enforcing Build ##### • Gapps include ##### • Safetynet Passes Without Magisk ##### • Recomended Use Vendor Miui 12.5.x #### 12月25日: ##### ℹ️ SuperiorOS XCalibur ##### 👤 Maintainer: @lynnnnZx ##### 🏷️ Status: UnOfficial ##### 🌟 Android version: 11 ##### 📱 Device: Poco M3 - Redmi 9T (Juice) ##### 📆 Build Date: 2021-12-25 ##### 原Download地址(魔法): ##### https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1D1jkyMCE9-HN2a33Ci1n6Hi6OPRISc59&export=download ##### Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/lynx_archive/290?single ##### Changelog: ##### • Initial Build ##### • December Security Patch ##### • DT2W Enabled by Default ##### • Remove Virtual Framebuffer ##### • Switch To OpenGL HWUI ##### • Shipped With Greenforce Kernel ##### • Compiled With Gengkapak Clang ##### Notes: ##### • Vanilla Build ##### • Clean Flash Recomended ##### • Selinux Enforcing ##### • CTS Passed With Magisk Hide #### 11月20日: ##### SuperiorOS XCallibur - UNOFFICIAL | Android 11 ##### ⚠️ READ AGAIN!.. THIS IS UNOFFICIAL BUILD. Asking again for that = Mute 365d❗️ ##### Maintainer: @rakutod ##### Device: Poco M3 / Redmi 9T(Juice) ##### Android version: Android 11 ##### Build date: 20-11-2021 ##### 原Download地址(魔法): ##### https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1qgpCibaPplH8igoAfd854qLYvZLrZ1be&export=download ##### Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/kutodinfo/36?single ##### Changelogs: ##### • November Security Patch ##### • Shipped with GreenForce kernel. ##### • Source Changelog: ##### https://github.com/SuperiorOS-Devices/changelogs/blob/eleven/changelog.md ##### Notes: ##### • Vanilla Buid ##### • DT2W & Blur Enabled By Default #### 10月13日: ##### #SuperiorOS #ROM #R #Unified #Juice ##### SuperiorOS Xcalibur UNOFFICIAL | Android 11 ##### Device support: Juice(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Juice-Unified-Device-Tree-04-16 ##### Build date: 13/10/21 ##### Maintainer: @IndraDP ##### ▪️原Download地址: ##### https://sourceforge.net/projects/indraproject/files/testbuild/juice/rom/SuperiorOS-Xcalibur-juice-GAPPS-UNOFFICIAL-20211013-0003.zip/downloadh ##### ▪️Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/IndraProject/74?single ##### ▪️Source Changelogs: ##### https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SuperiorOS-Devices/changelogs/83f3b45cef10c75ba49a0f7a6b4a6e1f4d301391/changelog.md ##### Device Changlongs: ##### • GApps included. ##### • Updated to October Redfin Fingerprint. ##### • Enable Battery Health. ##### • Add NotchBar Killer overlay. ##### • Add Flashlight Proximity timeout. ##### • Add Doze config. ##### • Remove Prebuilt Via Browser. ##### • Use H264 encoder for screen recorder. ##### • Fix Audio burst for some issue. ##### • Shipped with Klepon kernel. ##### • Compiled with GengKapak Clang. #### 9月9日: ##### #SuperiorOS #Juice #UnOfficial #Unified #Rom ##### SuperiorOS Xcalibur - Android 11 UNOFFICIAL ##### Supported Devices: Juice(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Juice-Unified-Device-Tree-04-16 ##### Build date : 09/09/`21 ##### Maintainer: @IndraDP ##### ▪️ 原Download地址: ##### https://sourceforge.net/projects/indraproject/files/testbuild/juice/rom/SuperiorOS-Xcalibur-juice-GAPPS-UNOFFICIAL-20210909-1806.zip/download ##### ▪️ Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/IndraProject/47?single ##### Changelong : ##### • Device Changelog: ##### https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SuperiorOS-Devices/changelogs/313240ea348d8613b3c7e46e5a392b55682f26c2/changelogs.txt ##### • Source Changelog: ##### https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SuperiorOS-Devices/changelogs/434a7043f23ea668d9ce26d98c6a0b254a1ea8a3/changelogs.txt #### 8月28日: ##### #SuperiorOS #Juice #UnOfficial #Unified #Rom ##### SuperiorOS Xcalibur - Android 11 | UNOFFICIAL ##### Build date: 28/08/'21 ##### Supported devices: Juice(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Juice-Unified-Device-Tree-04-16 ##### Maintainer: @IndraDP ##### ▪️ 原Download地址: ##### https://sourceforge.net/projects/indraproject/files/testbuild/juice/rom/SuperiorOS-Xcalibur-juice-GAPPS-UNOFFICIAL-20210828-0112.zip/download ##### Changlongs : ##### • GApps included ##### • More Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Device-Changelogs-SuperiorOS-POCO-M3-Redmi-9T9-PowerNote-9-4G-08-12 ##### • Source Changelog: ##### https://github.com/SuperiorOS-Devices/changelogs/blob/eleven/changelog.md #### 8月21日: ##### #SuperiorOS #Juice #UnOfficial #Unified #Rom ##### SuperiorOS XCalibur - Android 11 | UNOFFICIAL ##### Build date: 21/08/'21 ##### Supported Devices: Juice(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Juice-Unified-Device-Tree-04-16 ##### Manintaner: @IndraDP ##### ▪️ 原Download地址: ##### https://sourceforge.net/projects/indraproject/files/testbuild/juice/rom/SuperiorOS-Xcalibur-juice-UNOFFICIAL-20210821-0040.zip/download ##### Changlongs: ##### • Fix offline charging animation. ##### • Fix system navigation not showing. Now you can enable it on Settings > Accessibility > System Navigation. ##### • Remove virtual framebuffer. ##### • Enable AOSP surfaceflinger. ##### • Tune auto-brightness debounce period. ##### • Retune vibration strength for haptic feedback. ##### • Increase audio output. (Now more jedug-jedug asoy 🤣). ##### • Add prebuilt GalleryGo as default Gallery app. ##### • Source Changelog: ##### https://github.com/SuperiorOS-Devices/changelogs/blob/eleven/changelog.md ##### Notes: ##### • GApps not included. Recommended use FlameGApps Basic with this config ##### (此处搬运好的的flamegapps-config.txt) #### 8月12日: ##### #SuperiorOS #ROM #R #Unified #Juice ##### SuperiorOS Xcalibur UNOFFICIAL | Android 11 ##### Device support: Juice ##### Build date: 12/08/'21 ##### Maintainer: @IndraDP ##### ▪️原Download地址: ##### https://sourceforge.net/projects/indraproject/files/testbuild/juice/rom/SuperiorOS-Xcalibur-juice-UNOFFICIAL-20210812-0037.zip/download ##### ▪️Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://t.me/juice_ss/504?single ##### ▪️Source Changelogs(魔法): ##### https://github.com/SuperiorOS-Devices/changelogs/blob/eleven/changelog.md ##### ▪️Device Changlongs(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Device-Changelogs-SuperiorOS-POCO-M3-Redmi-9T9-PowerNote-9-4G-08-12 ##### Notes: ##### • GApps not included. Recommended use FlameGApps Basic with this config #### 5月12日: #### | Superior OS Xcalibur | Unofficial #### Device: Redmi 9T / 9 Power / Note 9 4G / POCO M3 #### Codename: juice ##### Version : Android 11 (R) ##### Build : Unofficial ##### Build Date: 12-05-2021 ##### Maintainer: @pawelik001 ##### ▪️原Download地址(魔法): ##### https://drive.google.com/file/d/17PQ0jHixK4-VfnME1qJclCcxdr5mqYQe/view?usp=sharing ##### ▪️原XDA thread: ##### https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/rom-11-0-unofficial-superioros-redmi-9t-9-power-9-4g-poco-m3-unified-codename-juice.4262547/ ##### ▪️Screenshots(魔法): ##### https://imgur.com/gallery/iEyGi26 ##### CHANGELOG: ##### - you can modify the navigation bar and select gestures, ##### - fingerprint doesn't work as "joystick" anymore, ##### - screen isn't flickers anymore when changing brightness, ##### - fixed bluetooth, ##### - fingerprint can be used in apps as authentication. ##### BUGS: ##### - safetynet not pass, need to flash Magisk and enable Magisk hide, ##### - there is no option to modify brightness bar. (source bug) ##### Note: ##### - if your device is citrus, it will stay as citrus, if lemon it will say as lemon etc., only the unified codename will be juice, ##### - SELinux is enforcing. ##### 5月7日: ##### Superior OS Xcalibur Unofficial ##### Version : Android R (11) ##### Build Type : Unofficial ##### Supported Devices(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Juice-Unified-Device-Tree-04-16 ##### Build Date : 07/05/'21 ##### Maintainer : @pawelik001 ##### ▪️ 原Download地址(魔法): ##### https://drive.google.com/file/d/17Ce1368hW1ZKvQSS236fdD8KEsqGsjek ##### ▪️ 原XDA thread: ##### https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/rom-11-0-unofficial-superioros-redmi-9t-9-power-9-4g-poco-m3-unified-codename-juice.4262547/ ##### ▪️ Screenshot: ##### https://imgur.com/gallery/iEyGi26 ##### ▪️ Changelog: ##### https://del.dog/papanimoqa.txt ##### ▪️ More Info(魔法): ##### https://telegra.ph/Rom-info-05-07 ##### 4月15日: ##### | Superior OS Xcalibur | Unofficial ##### Device : Redmi 9T NFC | Redmi 9 Power/ Redmi 9 T | Redmi Note 9 4G | Poco M3 ##### CodeName : #Lime | #citrus | #lemon | #pomelo ##### Version : Android11 (R) ##### Build : Unofficial ##### Build Date: 15-04-2021 ##### Maintainer: @pawelik001 ##### ▪️原Download地址(魔法): ##### https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jbk2kRHAorHUyc_r7GPTQ7CphjII9ivi/view ##### ▪️原Xda发布地址: ##### https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/11-0-unofficial-superioros-redmi-9t-9-power-9-4g-poco-m3-juice.4262547/ ##### Changelog: ##### Initial build ##### • April Security Patch ##### • Selinux Permissive ##### BUGS: ##### - Bluetooth calls, ##### - you tell me. ##### Notes: ##### - Unified ##### - Lime lemon pomelo: upgrade to a11 first ##### - Citrus: Flash eu port 12.5 first by @javashin
2024-12-04 16:22:18 Wednesday Runningtime:0.851s Mem:527.68 KB